

Miescha, Founder and Owner

I’m Miescha, one of the Co-Owners of Collegi and the one that does most of the crazy builds around the server. I’m an audio technician in training and play more instruments than I should when I’m not on my computer gaming or playing with Protools. Feel free to ask questions, I’m here to help!


Zyradyl, Co-Owner and Head Developer

Have you ever spent five to ten minutes on a battle, whittling away at a rare or legendary Pokemon, and right when the pokeball closes the server crashes? Then you've met our developer, Zyra! Outside of Collegi, she's a freelance tech writer, a volunteer crisis counsoler, and a pharmacy student.


Sakugu, Administrator and Builder

I'm an extremely optimistic person with a slightly querky personality. I love to help anyone I can if I'm able or sometimes if I'm not. I'm like a gear, always turning, always doing something, and each groove holds something new and sometimes unexpected.


Seara, Supremely Salty Artificial Intelligence

I don't have time to write this. I have to write this? Fine. I do stuff around the server. Like help you. Because you clearly are incapable of helping yourself. I also take out the garbage when it manages to become sentient enough to play on Collegi. Don't fuck with me, and I won't fuck with you. Cool. Bye.